V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
v8::internal::compiler::RawMachineAssembler Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 RawMachineAssembler (Isolate *isolate, Graph *graph, CallDescriptor *call_descriptor, MachineRepresentation word=MachineType::PointerRepresentation(), MachineOperatorBuilder::Flags flags=MachineOperatorBuilder::Flag::kNoFlags, MachineOperatorBuilder::AlignmentRequirements alignment_requirements=MachineOperatorBuilder::AlignmentRequirements::FullUnalignedAccessSupport(), PoisoningMitigationLevel poisoning_level=PoisoningMitigationLevel::kPoisonCriticalOnly)
Isolateisolate () const
Graphgraph () const
Zonezone () const
MachineOperatorBuildermachine ()
CommonOperatorBuildercommon ()
CallDescriptorcall_descriptor () const
PoisoningMitigationLevel poisoning_level () const
ScheduleExport ()
GraphExportForOptimization ()
NodeNullConstant ()
NodeUndefinedConstant ()
NodePointerConstant (void *value)
NodeIntPtrConstant (intptr_t value)
NodeRelocatableIntPtrConstant (intptr_t value, RelocInfo::Mode rmode)
NodeInt32Constant (int32_t value)
NodeStackSlot (MachineRepresentation rep, int alignment=0)
NodeInt64Constant (int64_t value)
NodeNumberConstant (double value)
NodeFloat32Constant (float value)
NodeFloat64Constant (double value)
NodeHeapConstant (Handle< HeapObject > object)
NodeExternalConstant (ExternalReference address)
NodeRelocatableInt32Constant (int32_t value, RelocInfo::Mode rmode)
NodeRelocatableInt64Constant (int64_t value, RelocInfo::Mode rmode)
NodeProjection (int index, Node *a)
NodeLoad (MachineType rep, Node *base, LoadSensitivity needs_poisoning=LoadSensitivity::kSafe)
NodeLoad (MachineType rep, Node *base, Node *index, LoadSensitivity needs_poisoning=LoadSensitivity::kSafe)
NodeStore (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *base, Node *value, WriteBarrierKind write_barrier)
NodeStore (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *base, Node *index, Node *value, WriteBarrierKind write_barrier)
NodeRetain (Node *value)
NodeUnalignedLoad (MachineType type, Node *base)
NodeUnalignedLoad (MachineType type, Node *base, Node *index)
NodeUnalignedStore (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *base, Node *value)
NodeUnalignedStore (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *base, Node *index, Node *value)
NodeAtomicLoad (MachineType type, Node *base, Node *index)
NodeAtomicStore (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *base, Node *index, Node *value, Node *value_high)
NodeAtomicCompareExchange (MachineType rep, Node *base, Node *index, Node *old_value, Node *old_value_high, Node *new_value, Node *new_value_high)
NodeSpeculationFence ()
NodeWordAnd (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordOr (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordXor (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordShl (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordShr (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordSar (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordRor (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordNotEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWordNot (Node *a)
NodeWord32And (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Or (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Xor (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Shl (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Shr (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Sar (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Ror (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32Clz (Node *a)
NodeWord32Equal (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32NotEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord32BitwiseNot (Node *a)
NodeWord32BinaryNot (Node *a)
NodeWord64And (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Or (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Xor (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Shl (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Shr (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Sar (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Ror (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Clz (Node *a)
NodeWord64Equal (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64NotEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeWord64Not (Node *a)
NodeInt32Add (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32AddWithOverflow (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32Sub (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32SubWithOverflow (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32Mul (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32MulHigh (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32MulWithOverflow (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32Div (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32Mod (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32LessThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32LessThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32Div (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32LessThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32LessThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32Mod (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32MulHigh (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32GreaterThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32GreaterThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32GreaterThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint32GreaterThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32Neg (Node *a)
NodeInt64Add (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64AddWithOverflow (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64Sub (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64SubWithOverflow (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64Mul (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64Div (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64Mod (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64Neg (Node *a)
NodeInt64LessThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64LessThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint64LessThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint64LessThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64GreaterThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt64GreaterThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint64GreaterThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint64GreaterThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint64Div (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeUint64Mod (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeInt32PairAdd (Node *a_low, Node *a_high, Node *b_low, Node *b_high)
NodeInt32PairSub (Node *a_low, Node *a_high, Node *b_low, Node *b_high)
NodeInt32PairMul (Node *a_low, Node *a_high, Node *b_low, Node *b_high)
NodeWord32PairShl (Node *low_word, Node *high_word, Node *shift)
NodeWord32PairShr (Node *low_word, Node *high_word, Node *shift)
NodeWord32PairSar (Node *low_word, Node *high_word, Node *shift)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Int, AddWithOverflow)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Int, SubWithOverflow)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Int, LessThan)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Int, LessThanOrEqual)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Word, Equal)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Word, NotEqual)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Int, GreaterThanOrEqual)
 INTPTR_BINOP (Int, GreaterThan)
 UINTPTR_BINOP (Uint, LessThan)
 UINTPTR_BINOP (Uint, LessThanOrEqual)
 UINTPTR_BINOP (Uint, GreaterThanOrEqual)
 UINTPTR_BINOP (Uint, GreaterThan)
NodeInt32AbsWithOverflow (Node *a)
NodeInt64AbsWithOverflow (Node *a)
NodeIntPtrAbsWithOverflow (Node *a)
NodeFloat32Add (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32Sub (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32Mul (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32Div (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32Abs (Node *a)
NodeFloat32Neg (Node *a)
NodeFloat32Sqrt (Node *a)
NodeFloat32Equal (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32NotEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32LessThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32LessThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32GreaterThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32GreaterThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32Max (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat32Min (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Add (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Sub (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Mul (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Div (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Mod (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Max (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Min (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Abs (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Neg (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Acos (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Acosh (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Asin (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Asinh (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Atan (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Atanh (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Atan2 (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Cbrt (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Cos (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Cosh (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Exp (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Expm1 (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Log (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Log1p (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Log10 (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Log2 (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Pow (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64Sin (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Sinh (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Sqrt (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Tan (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Tanh (Node *a)
NodeFloat64Equal (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64NotEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64LessThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64LessThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64GreaterThan (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64GreaterThanOrEqual (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeBitcastTaggedToWord (Node *a)
NodeBitcastMaybeObjectToWord (Node *a)
NodeBitcastWordToTagged (Node *a)
NodeBitcastWordToTaggedSigned (Node *a)
NodeTruncateFloat64ToWord32 (Node *a)
NodeChangeFloat32ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeInt32ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeInt64ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeUint32ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeFloat64ToInt32 (Node *a)
NodeChangeFloat64ToInt64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeFloat64ToUint32 (Node *a)
NodeChangeFloat64ToUint64 (Node *a)
NodeTruncateFloat64ToUint32 (Node *a)
NodeTruncateFloat32ToInt32 (Node *a)
NodeTruncateFloat32ToUint32 (Node *a)
NodeTryTruncateFloat32ToInt64 (Node *a)
NodeTryTruncateFloat64ToInt64 (Node *a)
NodeTryTruncateFloat32ToUint64 (Node *a)
NodeTryTruncateFloat64ToUint64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeInt32ToInt64 (Node *a)
NodeChangeUint32ToUint64 (Node *a)
NodeTruncateFloat64ToFloat32 (Node *a)
NodeTruncateInt64ToInt32 (Node *a)
NodeRoundFloat64ToInt32 (Node *a)
NodeRoundInt32ToFloat32 (Node *a)
NodeRoundInt64ToFloat32 (Node *a)
NodeRoundInt64ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeRoundUint32ToFloat32 (Node *a)
NodeRoundUint64ToFloat32 (Node *a)
NodeRoundUint64ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeBitcastFloat32ToInt32 (Node *a)
NodeBitcastFloat64ToInt64 (Node *a)
NodeBitcastInt32ToFloat32 (Node *a)
NodeBitcastInt64ToFloat64 (Node *a)
NodeFloat32RoundDown (Node *a)
NodeFloat64RoundDown (Node *a)
NodeFloat32RoundUp (Node *a)
NodeFloat64RoundUp (Node *a)
NodeFloat32RoundTruncate (Node *a)
NodeFloat64RoundTruncate (Node *a)
NodeFloat64RoundTiesAway (Node *a)
NodeFloat32RoundTiesEven (Node *a)
NodeFloat64RoundTiesEven (Node *a)
NodeWord32ReverseBytes (Node *a)
NodeWord64ReverseBytes (Node *a)
NodeFloat64ExtractLowWord32 (Node *a)
NodeFloat64ExtractHighWord32 (Node *a)
NodeFloat64InsertLowWord32 (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64InsertHighWord32 (Node *a, Node *b)
NodeFloat64SilenceNaN (Node *a)
NodeLoadStackPointer ()
NodeLoadFramePointer ()
NodeLoadParentFramePointer ()
NodeTargetParameter ()
NodeParameter (size_t index)
NodeLoadFromPointer (void *address, MachineType rep, int32_t offset=0)
NodeStoreToPointer (void *address, MachineRepresentation rep, Node *node)
NodeUnalignedLoadFromPointer (void *address, MachineType rep, int32_t offset=0)
NodeUnalignedStoreToPointer (void *address, MachineRepresentation rep, Node *node)
NodeStringConstant (const char *string)
NodeTaggedPoisonOnSpeculation (Node *value)
NodeWordPoisonOnSpeculation (Node *value)
NodeCallN (CallDescriptor *call_descriptor, int input_count, Node *const *inputs)
NodeCallNWithFrameState (CallDescriptor *call_descriptor, int input_count, Node *const *inputs)
NodeTailCallN (CallDescriptor *call_descriptor, int input_count, Node *const *inputs)
NodeCallCFunction0 (MachineType return_type, Node *function)
NodeCallCFunction1 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, Node *function, Node *arg0)
NodeCallCFunction1WithCallerSavedRegisters (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, SaveFPRegsMode mode=kSaveFPRegs)
NodeCallCFunction2 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1)
NodeCallCFunction3 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2)
NodeCallCFunction3WithCallerSavedRegisters (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2, SaveFPRegsMode mode=kSaveFPRegs)
NodeCallCFunction4 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, MachineType arg3_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2, Node *arg3)
NodeCallCFunction5 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, MachineType arg3_type, MachineType arg4_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2, Node *arg3, Node *arg4)
NodeCallCFunction6 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, MachineType arg3_type, MachineType arg4_type, MachineType arg5_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2, Node *arg3, Node *arg4, Node *arg5)
NodeCallCFunction8 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, MachineType arg3_type, MachineType arg4_type, MachineType arg5_type, MachineType arg6_type, MachineType arg7_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2, Node *arg3, Node *arg4, Node *arg5, Node *arg6, Node *arg7)
NodeCallCFunction9 (MachineType return_type, MachineType arg0_type, MachineType arg1_type, MachineType arg2_type, MachineType arg3_type, MachineType arg4_type, MachineType arg5_type, MachineType arg6_type, MachineType arg7_type, MachineType arg8_type, Node *function, Node *arg0, Node *arg1, Node *arg2, Node *arg3, Node *arg4, Node *arg5, Node *arg6, Node *arg7, Node *arg8)
void Goto (RawMachineLabel *label)
void Branch (Node *condition, RawMachineLabel *true_val, RawMachineLabel *false_val)
void Switch (Node *index, RawMachineLabel *default_label, const int32_t *case_values, RawMachineLabel **case_labels, size_t case_count)
void Return (Node *value)
void Return (Node *v1, Node *v2)
void Return (Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3)
void Return (Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4)
void Return (int count, Node *v[])
void PopAndReturn (Node *pop, Node *value)
void PopAndReturn (Node *pop, Node *v1, Node *v2)
void PopAndReturn (Node *pop, Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3)
void PopAndReturn (Node *pop, Node *v1, Node *v2, Node *v3, Node *v4)
void Bind (RawMachineLabel *label)
void Deoptimize (Node *state)
void DebugAbort (Node *message)
void DebugBreak ()
void Unreachable ()
void Comment (const char *msg)
bool InsideBlock ()
void Continuations (Node *call, RawMachineLabel *if_success, RawMachineLabel *if_exception)
NodePhi (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *n1, Node *n2)
NodePhi (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3)
NodePhi (MachineRepresentation rep, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *n4)
NodePhi (MachineRepresentation rep, int input_count, Node *const *inputs)
void AppendPhiInput (Node *phi, Node *new_input)
NodeAddNode (const Operator *op, int input_count, Node *const *inputs)
NodeAddNode (const Operator *op)
template<class... TArgs>
NodeAddNode (const Operator *op, Node *n1, TArgs... args)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file raw-machine-assembler.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: