V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
v8::internal::compiler::CallDescriptor Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for v8::internal::compiler::CallDescriptor:

Public Types

enum  Kind {
  kCallCodeObject, kCallJSFunction, kCallAddress, kCallWasmFunction,
enum  Flag {
  kNoFlags = 0u, kNeedsFrameState = 1u << 0, kHasExceptionHandler = 1u << 1, kCanUseRoots = 1u << 2,
  kInitializeRootRegister = 1u << 3, kNoAllocate = 1u << 4, kPushArgumentCount = 1u << 5, kRetpoline = 1u << 6,
  kFixedTargetRegister = 1u << 7, kAllowCallThroughSlot = 1u << 8
typedef base::Flags< Flag > Flags

Public Member Functions

 CallDescriptor (Kind kind, MachineType target_type, LinkageLocation target_loc, LocationSignature *location_sig, size_t stack_param_count, Operator::Properties properties, RegList callee_saved_registers, RegList callee_saved_fp_registers, Flags flags, const char *debug_name="", const RegList allocatable_registers=0, size_t stack_return_count=0)
Kind kind () const
bool IsCFunctionCall () const
bool IsJSFunctionCall () const
bool IsWasmFunctionCall () const
bool IsWasmImportWrapper () const
bool RequiresFrameAsIncoming () const
size_t ReturnCount () const
size_t ParameterCount () const
size_t StackParameterCount () const
size_t StackReturnCount () const
size_t JSParameterCount () const
size_t InputCount () const
size_t FrameStateCount () const
Flags flags () const
bool NeedsFrameState () const
bool PushArgumentCount () const
bool InitializeRootRegister () const
LinkageLocation GetReturnLocation (size_t index) const
LinkageLocation GetInputLocation (size_t index) const
MachineSignatureGetMachineSignature (Zone *zone) const
MachineType GetReturnType (size_t index) const
MachineType GetInputType (size_t index) const
MachineType GetParameterType (size_t index) const
Operator::Properties properties () const
RegList CalleeSavedRegisters () const
RegList CalleeSavedFPRegisters () const
const chardebug_name () const
bool UsesOnlyRegisters () const
bool HasSameReturnLocationsAs (const CallDescriptor *other) const
int GetFirstUnusedStackSlot () const
int GetStackParameterDelta (const CallDescriptor *tail_caller) const
bool CanTailCall (const Node *call) const
int CalculateFixedFrameSize () const
RegList AllocatableRegisters () const
bool HasRestrictedAllocatableRegisters () const
void set_save_fp_mode (SaveFPRegsMode mode)
SaveFPRegsMode get_save_fp_mode () const


class Linkage

Detailed Description

Definition at line 168 of file linkage.h.

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