V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
1 // Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef V8_DATEPARSER_H_
6 #define V8_DATEPARSER_H_
8 #include "src/allocation.h"
9 #include "src/char-predicates.h"
11 namespace v8 {
12 namespace internal {
14 class DateParser : public AllStatic {
15  public:
16  // Parse the string as a date. If parsing succeeds, return true after
17  // filling out the output array as follows (all integers are Smis):
18  // [0]: year
19  // [1]: month (0 = Jan, 1 = Feb, ...)
20  // [2]: day
21  // [3]: hour
22  // [4]: minute
23  // [5]: second
24  // [6]: millisecond
25  // [7]: UTC offset in seconds, or null value if no timezone specified
26  // If parsing fails, return false (content of output array is not defined).
27  template <typename Char>
28  static bool Parse(Isolate* isolate, Vector<Char> str, FixedArray output);
30  enum {
32  };
34  private:
35  // Range testing
36  static inline bool Between(int x, int lo, int hi) {
37  return static_cast<unsigned>(x - lo) <= static_cast<unsigned>(hi - lo);
38  }
40  // Indicates a missing value.
41  static const int kNone = kMaxInt;
43  // Maximal number of digits used to build the value of a numeral.
44  // Remaining digits are ignored.
45  static const int kMaxSignificantDigits = 9;
47  // InputReader provides basic string parsing and character classification.
48  template <typename Char>
49  class InputReader {
50  public:
51  explicit InputReader(Vector<Char> s) : index_(0), buffer_(s) { Next(); }
53  int position() { return index_; }
55  // Advance to the next character of the string.
56  void Next() {
57  ch_ = (index_ < buffer_.length()) ? buffer_[index_] : 0;
58  index_++;
59  }
61  // Read a string of digits as an unsigned number. Cap value at
62  // kMaxSignificantDigits, but skip remaining digits if the numeral
63  // is longer.
64  int ReadUnsignedNumeral() {
65  int n = 0;
66  int i = 0;
67  while (IsAsciiDigit()) {
68  if (i < kMaxSignificantDigits) n = n * 10 + ch_ - '0';
69  i++;
70  Next();
71  }
72  return n;
73  }
75  // Read a word (sequence of chars. >= 'A'), fill the given buffer with a
76  // lower-case prefix, and pad any remainder of the buffer with zeroes.
77  // Return word length.
78  int ReadWord(uint32_t* prefix, int prefix_size) {
79  int len;
80  for (len = 0; IsAsciiAlphaOrAbove(); Next(), len++) {
81  if (len < prefix_size) prefix[len] = AsciiAlphaToLower(ch_);
82  }
83  for (int i = len; i < prefix_size; i++) prefix[i] = 0;
84  return len;
85  }
87  // The skip methods return whether they actually skipped something.
88  bool Skip(uint32_t c) {
89  if (ch_ == c) {
90  Next();
91  return true;
92  }
93  return false;
94  }
96  inline bool SkipWhiteSpace();
97  inline bool SkipParentheses();
99  // Character testing/classification. Non-ASCII digits are not supported.
100  bool Is(uint32_t c) const { return ch_ == c; }
101  bool IsEnd() const { return ch_ == 0; }
102  bool IsAsciiDigit() const { return IsDecimalDigit(ch_); }
103  bool IsAsciiAlphaOrAbove() const { return ch_ >= 'A'; }
104  bool IsAsciiSign() const { return ch_ == '+' || ch_ == '-'; }
106  // Return 1 for '+' and -1 for '-'.
107  int GetAsciiSignValue() const { return 44 - static_cast<int>(ch_); }
109  private:
110  int index_;
111  Vector<Char> buffer_;
112  uint32_t ch_;
113  };
115  enum KeywordType {
117  };
119  struct DateToken {
120  public:
121  bool IsInvalid() { return tag_ == kInvalidTokenTag; }
122  bool IsUnknown() { return tag_ == kUnknownTokenTag; }
123  bool IsNumber() { return tag_ == kNumberTag; }
124  bool IsSymbol() { return tag_ == kSymbolTag; }
125  bool IsWhiteSpace() { return tag_ == kWhiteSpaceTag; }
126  bool IsEndOfInput() { return tag_ == kEndOfInputTag; }
127  bool IsKeyword() { return tag_ >= kKeywordTagStart; }
129  int length() { return length_; }
131  int number() {
132  DCHECK(IsNumber());
133  return value_;
134  }
135  KeywordType keyword_type() {
136  DCHECK(IsKeyword());
137  return static_cast<KeywordType>(tag_);
138  }
139  int keyword_value() {
140  DCHECK(IsKeyword());
141  return value_;
142  }
143  char symbol() {
144  DCHECK(IsSymbol());
145  return static_cast<char>(value_);
146  }
147  bool IsSymbol(char symbol) {
148  return IsSymbol() && this->symbol() == symbol;
149  }
150  bool IsKeywordType(KeywordType tag) {
151  return tag_ == tag;
152  }
153  bool IsFixedLengthNumber(int length) {
154  return IsNumber() && length_ == length;
155  }
156  bool IsAsciiSign() {
157  return tag_ == kSymbolTag && (value_ == '-' || value_ == '+');
158  }
159  int ascii_sign() {
160  DCHECK(IsAsciiSign());
161  return 44 - value_;
162  }
163  bool IsKeywordZ() {
164  return IsKeywordType(TIME_ZONE_NAME) && length_ == 1 && value_ == 0;
165  }
166  bool IsUnknown(int character) {
167  return IsUnknown() && value_ == character;
168  }
169  // Factory functions.
170  static DateToken Keyword(KeywordType tag, int value, int length) {
171  return DateToken(tag, length, value);
172  }
173  static DateToken Number(int value, int length) {
174  return DateToken(kNumberTag, length, value);
175  }
176  static DateToken Symbol(char symbol) {
177  return DateToken(kSymbolTag, 1, symbol);
178  }
179  static DateToken EndOfInput() {
180  return DateToken(kEndOfInputTag, 0, -1);
181  }
182  static DateToken WhiteSpace(int length) {
183  return DateToken(kWhiteSpaceTag, length, -1);
184  }
185  static DateToken Unknown() {
186  return DateToken(kUnknownTokenTag, 1, -1);
187  }
188  static DateToken Invalid() {
189  return DateToken(kInvalidTokenTag, 0, -1);
190  }
192  private:
193  enum TagType {
194  kInvalidTokenTag = -6,
195  kUnknownTokenTag = -5,
196  kWhiteSpaceTag = -4,
197  kNumberTag = -3,
198  kSymbolTag = -2,
199  kEndOfInputTag = -1,
200  kKeywordTagStart = 0
201  };
202  DateToken(int tag, int length, int value)
203  : tag_(tag),
204  length_(length),
205  value_(value) { }
207  int tag_;
208  int length_; // Number of characters.
209  int value_;
210  };
212  template <typename Char>
213  class DateStringTokenizer {
214  public:
215  explicit DateStringTokenizer(InputReader<Char>* in)
216  : in_(in), next_(Scan()) { }
217  DateToken Next() {
218  DateToken result = next_;
219  next_ = Scan();
220  return result;
221  }
223  DateToken Peek() {
224  return next_;
225  }
226  bool SkipSymbol(char symbol) {
227  if (next_.IsSymbol(symbol)) {
228  next_ = Scan();
229  return true;
230  }
231  return false;
232  }
234  private:
235  DateToken Scan();
237  InputReader<Char>* in_;
238  DateToken next_;
239  };
241  static int ReadMilliseconds(DateToken number);
243  // KeywordTable maps names of months, time zones, am/pm to numbers.
244  class KeywordTable : public AllStatic {
245  public:
246  // Look up a word in the keyword table and return an index.
247  // 'pre' contains a prefix of the word, zero-padded to size kPrefixLength
248  // and 'len' is the word length.
249  static int Lookup(const uint32_t* pre, int len);
250  // Get the type of the keyword at index i.
251  static KeywordType GetType(int i) {
252  return static_cast<KeywordType>(array[i][kTypeOffset]);
253  }
254  // Get the value of the keyword at index i.
255  static int GetValue(int i) { return array[i][kValueOffset]; }
257  static const int kPrefixLength = 3;
258  static const int kTypeOffset = kPrefixLength;
259  static const int kValueOffset = kTypeOffset + 1;
260  static const int kEntrySize = kValueOffset + 1;
261  static const int8_t array[][kEntrySize];
262  };
264  class TimeZoneComposer {
265  public:
266  TimeZoneComposer() : sign_(kNone), hour_(kNone), minute_(kNone) {}
267  void Set(int offset_in_hours) {
268  sign_ = offset_in_hours < 0 ? -1 : 1;
269  hour_ = offset_in_hours * sign_;
270  minute_ = 0;
271  }
272  void SetSign(int sign) { sign_ = sign < 0 ? -1 : 1; }
273  void SetAbsoluteHour(int hour) { hour_ = hour; }
274  void SetAbsoluteMinute(int minute) { minute_ = minute; }
275  bool IsExpecting(int n) const {
276  return hour_ != kNone && minute_ == kNone && TimeComposer::IsMinute(n);
277  }
278  bool IsUTC() const { return hour_ == 0 && minute_ == 0; }
279  bool Write(FixedArray output);
280  bool IsEmpty() { return hour_ == kNone; }
281  private:
282  int sign_;
283  int hour_;
284  int minute_;
285  };
287  class TimeComposer {
288  public:
289  TimeComposer() : index_(0), hour_offset_(kNone) {}
290  bool IsEmpty() const { return index_ == 0; }
291  bool IsExpecting(int n) const {
292  return (index_ == 1 && IsMinute(n)) ||
293  (index_ == 2 && IsSecond(n)) ||
294  (index_ == 3 && IsMillisecond(n));
295  }
296  bool Add(int n) {
297  return index_ < kSize ? (comp_[index_++] = n, true) : false;
298  }
299  bool AddFinal(int n) {
300  if (!Add(n)) return false;
301  while (index_ < kSize) comp_[index_++] = 0;
302  return true;
303  }
304  void SetHourOffset(int n) { hour_offset_ = n; }
305  bool Write(FixedArray output);
307  static bool IsMinute(int x) { return Between(x, 0, 59); }
308  static bool IsHour(int x) { return Between(x, 0, 23); }
309  static bool IsSecond(int x) { return Between(x, 0, 59); }
311  private:
312  static bool IsHour12(int x) { return Between(x, 0, 12); }
313  static bool IsMillisecond(int x) { return Between(x, 0, 999); }
315  static const int kSize = 4;
316  int comp_[kSize];
317  int index_;
318  int hour_offset_;
319  };
321  class DayComposer {
322  public:
323  DayComposer() : index_(0), named_month_(kNone), is_iso_date_(false) {}
324  bool IsEmpty() const { return index_ == 0; }
325  bool Add(int n) {
326  if (index_ < kSize) {
327  comp_[index_] = n;
328  index_++;
329  return true;
330  }
331  return false;
332  }
333  void SetNamedMonth(int n) { named_month_ = n; }
334  bool Write(FixedArray output);
335  void set_iso_date() { is_iso_date_ = true; }
336  static bool IsMonth(int x) { return Between(x, 1, 12); }
337  static bool IsDay(int x) { return Between(x, 1, 31); }
339  private:
340  static const int kSize = 3;
341  int comp_[kSize];
342  int index_;
343  int named_month_;
344  // If set, ensures that data is always parsed in year-month-date order.
345  bool is_iso_date_;
346  };
348  // Tries to parse an ES5 Date Time String. Returns the next token
349  // to continue with in the legacy date string parser. If parsing is
350  // complete, returns DateToken::EndOfInput(). If terminally unsuccessful,
351  // returns DateToken::Invalid(). Otherwise parsing continues in the
352  // legacy parser.
353  template <typename Char>
354  static DateParser::DateToken ParseES5DateTime(
355  DateStringTokenizer<Char>* scanner, DayComposer* day, TimeComposer* time,
356  TimeZoneComposer* tz);
357 };
360 } // namespace internal
361 } // namespace v8
363 #endif // V8_DATEPARSER_H_
Definition: libplatform.h:13
Definition: v8.h:3740