V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
v8::internal::interpreter::Bytecodes Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for v8::internal::interpreter::Bytecodes:

Static Public Member Functions

static const charToString (Bytecode bytecode)
static std::string ToString (Bytecode bytecode, OperandScale operand_scale, const char *separator=".")
static uint8_t ToByte (Bytecode bytecode)
static Bytecode FromByte (uint8_t value)
static Bytecode OperandScaleToPrefixBytecode (OperandScale operand_scale)
static bool OperandScaleRequiresPrefixBytecode (OperandScale operand_scale)
static OperandScale PrefixBytecodeToOperandScale (Bytecode bytecode)
static AccumulatorUse GetAccumulatorUse (Bytecode bytecode)
static bool ReadsAccumulator (Bytecode bytecode)
static bool WritesAccumulator (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsAccumulatorLoadWithoutEffects (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsCompareWithoutEffects (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsRegisterLoadWithoutEffects (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsConditionalJumpImmediate (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsConditionalJumpConstant (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsConditionalJump (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsUnconditionalJump (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsJumpImmediate (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsJumpConstant (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsJumpIfToBoolean (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsJump (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsForwardJump (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsJumpWithoutEffects (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsSwitch (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsWithoutExternalSideEffects (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsLdarOrStar (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsCallOrConstruct (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsCallRuntime (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsOneShotBytecode (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool IsPrefixScalingBytecode (Bytecode bytecode)
static constexpr bool Returns (Bytecode bytecode)
static int NumberOfOperands (Bytecode bytecode)
static OperandType GetOperandType (Bytecode bytecode, int i)
static const OperandType * GetOperandTypes (Bytecode bytecode)
static bool OperandIsScalableSignedByte (Bytecode bytecode, int operand_index)
static bool OperandIsScalableUnsignedByte (Bytecode bytecode, int operand_index)
static bool OperandIsScalable (Bytecode bytecode, int operand_index)
static bool IsBytecodeWithScalableOperands (Bytecode bytecode)
static OperandSize GetOperandSize (Bytecode bytecode, int i, OperandScale operand_scale)
static const OperandSize * GetOperandSizes (Bytecode bytecode, OperandScale operand_scale)
static int GetOperandOffset (Bytecode bytecode, int i, OperandScale operand_scale)
static int Size (Bytecode bytecode, OperandScale operand_scale)
static Bytecode GetDebugBreak (Bytecode bytecode)
static Bytecode GetJumpWithoutToBoolean (Bytecode bytecode)
static bool MakesCallAlongCriticalPath (Bytecode bytecode)
static ConvertReceiverMode GetReceiverMode (Bytecode bytecode)
static bool IsDebugBreak (Bytecode bytecode)
static bool IsRegisterOperandType (OperandType operand_type)
static bool IsRegisterInputOperandType (OperandType operand_type)
static bool IsRegisterOutputOperandType (OperandType operand_type)
static bool IsRegisterListOperandType (OperandType operand_type)
static bool IsStarLookahead (Bytecode bytecode, OperandScale operand_scale)
static int GetNumberOfRegistersRepresentedBy (OperandType operand_type)
static OperandSize SizeOfOperand (OperandType operand_type, OperandScale operand_scale)
static bool IsRuntimeIdOperandType (OperandType operand_type)
static bool IsUnsignedOperandType (OperandType operand_type)
static bool BytecodeHasHandler (Bytecode bytecode, OperandScale operand_scale)
static OperandScale ScaleForSignedOperand (int32_t value)
static OperandScale ScaleForUnsignedOperand (uint32_t value)
static OperandSize SizeForUnsignedOperand (uint32_t value)
static Address bytecode_size_table_address ()

Static Public Attributes

static const int kMaxOperands = 5
static const int kBytecodeCount = static_cast<int>(Bytecode::kLast) + 1

Detailed Description

Definition at line 467 of file bytecodes.h.

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