V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
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v8::internal::String Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for v8::internal::String:
v8::internal::Name v8::internal::HeapObjectPtr v8::internal::ObjectPtr v8::internal::ConsString v8::internal::ExternalString v8::internal::InternalizedString v8::internal::SeqString v8::internal::SlicedString v8::internal::ThinString v8::internal::ExternalOneByteString v8::internal::ExternalTwoByteString v8::internal::SeqOneByteString v8::internal::SeqTwoByteString


class  FlatContent
class  Match

Public Types

enum  TrimMode { kTrim, kTrimStart, kTrimEnd }

Public Member Functions

template<typename Char >
V8_INLINE Vector< const Char > GetCharVector ()
int length () const
void set_length (int value)
int synchronized_length () const
void synchronized_set_length (int value)
bool IsOneByteRepresentation () const
bool IsTwoByteRepresentation () const
bool IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath ()
bool IsTwoByteRepresentationUnderneath ()
bool HasOnlyOneByteChars ()
void Set (int index, uint16_t value)
V8_INLINE uint16_t Get (int index)
FlatContent GetFlatContent ()
String GetUnderlying ()
bool Equals (String other)
bool IsUtf8EqualTo (Vector< const char > str, bool allow_prefix_match=false)
template<typename Char >
bool IsEqualTo (Vector< const Char > str)
bool IsOneByteEqualTo (Vector< const uint8_t > str)
bool IsTwoByteEqualTo (Vector< const uc16 > str)
std::unique_ptr< char[]> ToCString (AllowNullsFlag allow_nulls, RobustnessFlag robustness_flag, int offset, int length, int *length_output=nullptr)
std::unique_ptr< char[]> ToCString (AllowNullsFlag allow_nulls=DISALLOW_NULLS, RobustnessFlag robustness_flag=FAST_STRING_TRAVERSAL, int *length_output=nullptr)
bool ComputeArrayIndex (uint32_t *index)
bool MakeExternal (v8::String::ExternalStringResource *resource)
bool MakeExternal (v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource *resource)
bool SupportsExternalization ()
bool AsArrayIndex (uint32_t *index)
uint32_t ToValidIndex (Object *number)
void PrintOn (FILE *out)
bool LooksValid ()
void StringShortPrint (StringStream *accumulator, bool show_details=true)
void PrintUC16 (std::ostream &os, int start=0, int end=-1)
bool IsFlat ()
Vector< const uint8_t > GetCharVector ()
Vector< const uc16 > GetCharVector ()
bool IsEqualTo (Vector< const uint8_t > str)
bool IsEqualTo (Vector< const uc16 > str)
- Public Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::Name
uint32_t hash_field ()
void set_hash_field (uint32_t value)
bool HasHashCode ()
uint32_t Hash ()
bool Equals (Name other)
bool AsArrayIndex (uint32_t *index)
bool IsInterestingSymbol () const
bool IsPrivate ()
bool IsPrivateName ()
bool IsUniqueName () const
void NameShortPrint ()
int NameShortPrint (Vector< char > str)
 STATIC_ASSERT (kArrayIndexLengthBits > 0)
 STATIC_ASSERT (kMaxArrayIndexSize<(1<< kArrayIndexLengthBits))
- Public Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::HeapObjectPtr
Map map () const
void set_map (Map value)
void set_map_after_allocation (Map value, WriteBarrierMode mode=UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER)
void set_map_no_write_barrier (Map value)
ObjectSlot map_slot ()
MapWord map_word () const
void set_map_word (MapWord map_word)
void synchronized_set_map (Map value)
void synchronized_set_map_word (MapWord map_word)
WriteBarrierMode GetWriteBarrierMode (const DisallowHeapAllocation &promise)
 operator HeapObject * ()
 operator const HeapObject * () const
bool is_null () const
bool IsHeapObjectPtr () const
ReadOnlyRoots GetReadOnlyRoots () const
Address address () const
int Size () const
int SizeFromMap (Map map) const
ObjectSlot RawField (int byte_offset) const
MaybeObjectSlot RawMaybeWeakField (int byte_offset) const
void HeapObjectVerify (Isolate *isolate)
Address GetFieldAddress (int field_offset) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::ObjectPtr
constexpr ObjectPtr (Address ptr)
 operator Object * () const
bool operator== (const ObjectPtr other) const
bool operator!= (const ObjectPtr other) const
bool operator< (const ObjectPtr other) const
constexpr Address ptr () const
ObjectPtroperator-> ()
const ObjectPtroperator-> () const
bool IsHashTableBase () const
V8_INLINE bool IsSmallOrderedHashTable () const
bool IsObject () const
double Number () const
bool ToInt32 (int32_t *value) const
bool ToUint32 (uint32_t *value) const
bool BooleanValue (Isolate *isolate)
bool FilterKey (PropertyFilter filter)
ObjectGetHash ()
Smi GetOrCreateHash (Isolate *isolate)
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool SameValue (Object *other)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool ToArrayIndex (uint32_t *index) const
void ShortPrint (FILE *out=stdout)
void ShortPrint (std::ostream &os)
void Print ()
void Print (std::ostream &os)

Static Public Member Functions

static Handle< ObjectToNumber (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > subject)
static Handle< StringFlatten (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > string, PretenureFlag pretenure=NOT_TENURED)
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ComparisonResult Compare (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > x, Handle< String > y)
static ObjectIndexOf (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Object > receiver, Handle< Object > search, Handle< Object > position)
static int IndexOf (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > receiver, Handle< String > search, int start_index)
static ObjectLastIndexOf (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Object > receiver, Handle< Object > search, Handle< Object > position)
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle< StringGetSubstitution (Isolate *isolate, Match *match, Handle< String > replacement, int start_index=0)
static bool Equals (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > one, Handle< String > two)
static Handle< StringTrim (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > string, TrimMode mode)
template<typename sinkchar >
static void WriteToFlat (String source, sinkchar *sink, int from, int to)
static int NonAsciiStart (const char *chars, int length)
static bool IsAscii (const char *chars, int length)
static bool IsAscii (const uint8_t *chars, int length)
static int NonOneByteStart (const uc16 *chars, int length)
static bool IsOneByte (const uc16 *chars, int length)
template<class Visitor >
static ConsString VisitFlat (Visitor *visitor, String string, int offset=0)
static Handle< FixedArrayCalculateLineEnds (Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > string, bool include_ending_line)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::Name
static bool Equals (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Name > one, Handle< Name > two)
static bool ContainsCachedArrayIndex (uint32_t hash)
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle< StringToFunctionName (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Name > name)
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle< StringToFunctionName (Isolate *isolate, Handle< Name > name, Handle< String > prefix)

Static Public Attributes

static const int kLengthOffset = Name::kHeaderSize
static const int kHeaderSize = kLengthOffset + kInt32Size
static const int32_t kMaxOneByteCharCode = unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar
static const uint32_t kMaxOneByteCharCodeU = unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar
static const int kMaxUtf16CodeUnit = 0xffff
static const uint32_t kMaxUtf16CodeUnitU = kMaxUtf16CodeUnit
static const uc32 kMaxCodePoint = 0x10ffff
static const int kMaxLength = v8::String::kMaxLength
static const int kMaxHashCalcLength = 16383
static const int kMaxShortPrintLength = 1024
- Static Public Attributes inherited from v8::internal::Name
static const int kHashFieldOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize
static const int kHeaderSize = kHashFieldOffset + kInt32Size
static const int kHashNotComputedMask = 1
static const int kIsNotArrayIndexMask = 1 << 1
static const int kNofHashBitFields = 2
static const int kHashShift = kNofHashBitFields
static const uint32_t kHashBitMask = 0xffffffffu >> kHashShift
static const int kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength = 7
static const int kMaxArrayIndexSize = 10
static const int kArrayIndexValueBits = 24
static const int kArrayIndexLengthBits
static const unsigned int kDoesNotContainCachedArrayIndexMask
static const int kEmptyHashField
- Static Public Attributes inherited from v8::internal::HeapObjectPtr
static const int kMapOffset = HeapObject::kMapOffset
static const int kHeaderSize = HeapObject::kHeaderSize


class Name
class StringTableInsertionKey
class InternalizedStringKey

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from v8::internal::HeapObjectPtr
enum  AllowInlineSmiStorage { kRequireHeapObjectTag, kAllowBeingASmi }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::Name
- Protected Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::HeapObjectPtr
 HeapObjectPtr (Address ptr, AllowInlineSmiStorage allow_smi)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from v8::internal::Name
static bool IsHashFieldComputed (uint32_t field)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 82 of file string.h.

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