V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
v8::internal::ApiNatives Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle< JSFunctionInstantiateFunction (Handle< FunctionTemplateInfo > data, MaybeHandle< Name > maybe_name=MaybeHandle< Name >())
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle< JSObjectInstantiateObject (Isolate *isolate, Handle< ObjectTemplateInfo > data, Handle< JSReceiver > new_target=Handle< JSReceiver >())
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle< JSObjectInstantiateRemoteObject (Handle< ObjectTemplateInfo > data)
static Handle< JSFunctionCreateApiFunction (Isolate *isolate, Handle< FunctionTemplateInfo > obj, Handle< Object > prototype, InstanceType type, MaybeHandle< Name > name=MaybeHandle< Name >())
static void AddDataProperty (Isolate *isolate, Handle< TemplateInfo > info, Handle< Name > name, Handle< Object > value, PropertyAttributes attributes)
static void AddDataProperty (Isolate *isolate, Handle< TemplateInfo > info, Handle< Name > name, v8::Intrinsic intrinsic, PropertyAttributes attributes)
static void AddAccessorProperty (Isolate *isolate, Handle< TemplateInfo > info, Handle< Name > name, Handle< FunctionTemplateInfo > getter, Handle< FunctionTemplateInfo > setter, PropertyAttributes attributes)
static void AddNativeDataProperty (Isolate *isolate, Handle< TemplateInfo > info, Handle< AccessorInfo > property)

Static Public Attributes

static const int kInitialFunctionCacheSize = 256

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file api-natives.h.

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