V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "src/string-builder-inl.h"
7 #include "src/isolate-inl.h"
8 #include "src/objects/fixed-array-inl.h"
9 #include "src/objects/js-array-inl.h"
11 namespace v8 {
12 namespace internal {
14 template <typename sinkchar>
15 void StringBuilderConcatHelper(String special, sinkchar* sink,
16  FixedArray fixed_array, int array_length) {
17  DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
18  int position = 0;
19  for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
20  Object* element = fixed_array->get(i);
21  if (element->IsSmi()) {
22  // Smi encoding of position and length.
23  int encoded_slice = Smi::ToInt(element);
24  int pos;
25  int len;
26  if (encoded_slice > 0) {
27  // Position and length encoded in one smi.
28  pos = StringBuilderSubstringPosition::decode(encoded_slice);
29  len = StringBuilderSubstringLength::decode(encoded_slice);
30  } else {
31  // Position and length encoded in two smis.
32  Object* obj = fixed_array->get(++i);
33  DCHECK(obj->IsSmi());
34  pos = Smi::ToInt(obj);
35  len = -encoded_slice;
36  }
37  String::WriteToFlat(special, sink + position, pos, pos + len);
38  position += len;
39  } else {
40  String string = String::cast(element);
41  int element_length = string->length();
42  String::WriteToFlat(string, sink + position, 0, element_length);
43  position += element_length;
44  }
45  }
46 }
48 template void StringBuilderConcatHelper<uint8_t>(String special, uint8_t* sink,
49  FixedArray fixed_array,
50  int array_length);
52 template void StringBuilderConcatHelper<uc16>(String special, uc16* sink,
53  FixedArray fixed_array,
54  int array_length);
56 int StringBuilderConcatLength(int special_length, FixedArray fixed_array,
57  int array_length, bool* one_byte) {
58  DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
59  int position = 0;
60  for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
61  int increment = 0;
62  Object* elt = fixed_array->get(i);
63  if (elt->IsSmi()) {
64  // Smi encoding of position and length.
65  int smi_value = Smi::ToInt(elt);
66  int pos;
67  int len;
68  if (smi_value > 0) {
69  // Position and length encoded in one smi.
70  pos = StringBuilderSubstringPosition::decode(smi_value);
71  len = StringBuilderSubstringLength::decode(smi_value);
72  } else {
73  // Position and length encoded in two smis.
74  len = -smi_value;
75  // Get the position and check that it is a positive smi.
76  i++;
77  if (i >= array_length) return -1;
78  Object* next_smi = fixed_array->get(i);
79  if (!next_smi->IsSmi()) return -1;
80  pos = Smi::ToInt(next_smi);
81  if (pos < 0) return -1;
82  }
83  DCHECK_GE(pos, 0);
84  DCHECK_GE(len, 0);
85  if (pos > special_length || len > special_length - pos) return -1;
86  increment = len;
87  } else if (elt->IsString()) {
88  String element = String::cast(elt);
89  int element_length = element->length();
90  increment = element_length;
91  if (*one_byte && !element->HasOnlyOneByteChars()) {
92  *one_byte = false;
93  }
94  } else {
95  return -1;
96  }
97  if (increment > String::kMaxLength - position) {
98  return kMaxInt; // Provoke throw on allocation.
99  }
100  position += increment;
101  }
102  return position;
103 }
105 FixedArrayBuilder::FixedArrayBuilder(Isolate* isolate, int initial_capacity)
106  : array_(isolate->factory()->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(initial_capacity)),
107  length_(0),
108  has_non_smi_elements_(false) {
109  // Require a non-zero initial size. Ensures that doubling the size to
110  // extend the array will work.
111  DCHECK_GT(initial_capacity, 0);
112 }
114 FixedArrayBuilder::FixedArrayBuilder(Handle<FixedArray> backing_store)
115  : array_(backing_store), length_(0), has_non_smi_elements_(false) {
116  // Require a non-zero initial size. Ensures that doubling the size to
117  // extend the array will work.
118  DCHECK_GT(backing_store->length(), 0);
119 }
121 bool FixedArrayBuilder::HasCapacity(int elements) {
122  int length = array_->length();
123  int required_length = length_ + elements;
124  return (length >= required_length);
125 }
127 void FixedArrayBuilder::EnsureCapacity(Isolate* isolate, int elements) {
128  int length = array_->length();
129  int required_length = length_ + elements;
130  if (length < required_length) {
131  int new_length = length;
132  do {
133  new_length *= 2;
134  } while (new_length < required_length);
135  Handle<FixedArray> extended_array =
136  isolate->factory()->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(new_length);
137  array_->CopyTo(0, *extended_array, 0, length_);
138  array_ = extended_array;
139  }
140 }
142 void FixedArrayBuilder::Add(Object* value) {
143  DCHECK(!value->IsSmi());
144  DCHECK(length_ < capacity());
145  array_->set(length_, value);
146  length_++;
147  has_non_smi_elements_ = true;
148 }
150 void FixedArrayBuilder::Add(Smi value) {
151  DCHECK(value->IsSmi());
152  DCHECK(length_ < capacity());
153  array_->set(length_, value);
154  length_++;
155 }
157 int FixedArrayBuilder::capacity() { return array_->length(); }
159 Handle<JSArray> FixedArrayBuilder::ToJSArray(Handle<JSArray> target_array) {
160  JSArray::SetContent(target_array, array_);
161  target_array->set_length(Smi::FromInt(length_));
162  return target_array;
163 }
165 ReplacementStringBuilder::ReplacementStringBuilder(Heap* heap,
166  Handle<String> subject,
167  int estimated_part_count)
168  : heap_(heap),
169  array_builder_(heap->isolate(), estimated_part_count),
170  subject_(subject),
171  character_count_(0),
172  is_one_byte_(subject->IsOneByteRepresentation()) {
173  // Require a non-zero initial size. Ensures that doubling the size to
174  // extend the array will work.
175  DCHECK_GT(estimated_part_count, 0);
176 }
178 void ReplacementStringBuilder::EnsureCapacity(int elements) {
179  array_builder_.EnsureCapacity(heap_->isolate(), elements);
180 }
182 void ReplacementStringBuilder::AddString(Handle<String> string) {
183  int length = string->length();
184  DCHECK_GT(length, 0);
185  AddElement(*string);
186  if (!string->IsOneByteRepresentation()) {
187  is_one_byte_ = false;
188  }
189  IncrementCharacterCount(length);
190 }
192 MaybeHandle<String> ReplacementStringBuilder::ToString() {
193  Isolate* isolate = heap_->isolate();
194  if (array_builder_.length() == 0) {
195  return isolate->factory()->empty_string();
196  }
198  Handle<String> joined_string;
199  if (is_one_byte_) {
200  Handle<SeqOneByteString> seq;
202  isolate, seq, isolate->factory()->NewRawOneByteString(character_count_),
203  String);
205  DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
206  uint8_t* char_buffer = seq->GetChars();
207  StringBuilderConcatHelper(*subject_, char_buffer, *array_builder_.array(),
208  array_builder_.length());
209  joined_string = Handle<String>::cast(seq);
210  } else {
211  // Two-byte.
212  Handle<SeqTwoByteString> seq;
214  isolate, seq, isolate->factory()->NewRawTwoByteString(character_count_),
215  String);
217  DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
218  uc16* char_buffer = seq->GetChars();
219  StringBuilderConcatHelper(*subject_, char_buffer, *array_builder_.array(),
220  array_builder_.length());
221  joined_string = Handle<String>::cast(seq);
222  }
223  return joined_string;
224 }
226 void ReplacementStringBuilder::AddElement(Object* element) {
227  DCHECK(element->IsSmi() || element->IsString());
228  DCHECK(array_builder_.capacity() > array_builder_.length());
229  array_builder_.Add(element);
230 }
232 IncrementalStringBuilder::IncrementalStringBuilder(Isolate* isolate)
233  : isolate_(isolate),
234  encoding_(String::ONE_BYTE_ENCODING),
235  overflowed_(false),
236  part_length_(kInitialPartLength),
237  current_index_(0) {
238  // Create an accumulator handle starting with the empty string.
239  accumulator_ =
240  Handle<String>::New(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).empty_string(), isolate);
241  current_part_ =
242  factory()->NewRawOneByteString(part_length_).ToHandleChecked();
243 }
245 int IncrementalStringBuilder::Length() const {
246  return accumulator_->length() + current_index_;
247 }
249 void IncrementalStringBuilder::Accumulate(Handle<String> new_part) {
250  Handle<String> new_accumulator;
251  if (accumulator()->length() + new_part->length() > String::kMaxLength) {
252  // Set the flag and carry on. Delay throwing the exception till the end.
253  new_accumulator = factory()->empty_string();
254  overflowed_ = true;
255  } else {
256  new_accumulator =
257  factory()->NewConsString(accumulator(), new_part).ToHandleChecked();
258  }
259  set_accumulator(new_accumulator);
260 }
263 void IncrementalStringBuilder::Extend() {
264  DCHECK_EQ(current_index_, current_part()->length());
265  Accumulate(current_part());
266  if (part_length_ <= kMaxPartLength / kPartLengthGrowthFactor) {
267  part_length_ *= kPartLengthGrowthFactor;
268  }
269  Handle<String> new_part;
270  if (encoding_ == String::ONE_BYTE_ENCODING) {
271  new_part = factory()->NewRawOneByteString(part_length_).ToHandleChecked();
272  } else {
273  new_part = factory()->NewRawTwoByteString(part_length_).ToHandleChecked();
274  }
275  // Reuse the same handle to avoid being invalidated when exiting handle scope.
276  set_current_part(new_part);
277  current_index_ = 0;
278 }
281 MaybeHandle<String> IncrementalStringBuilder::Finish() {
282  ShrinkCurrentPart();
283  Accumulate(current_part());
284  if (overflowed_) {
285  THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate_, NewInvalidStringLengthError(), String);
286  }
287  return accumulator();
288 }
291 void IncrementalStringBuilder::AppendString(Handle<String> string) {
292  ShrinkCurrentPart();
293  part_length_ = kInitialPartLength; // Allocate conservatively.
294  Extend(); // Attach current part and allocate new part.
295  Accumulate(string);
296 }
297 } // namespace internal
298 } // namespace v8
Definition: libplatform.h:13