V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
1 // Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "src/heap/memory-reducer.h"
7 #include "src/flags.h"
8 #include "src/heap/gc-tracer.h"
9 #include "src/heap/heap-inl.h"
10 #include "src/heap/incremental-marking.h"
11 #include "src/utils.h"
12 #include "src/v8.h"
14 namespace v8 {
15 namespace internal {
17 const int MemoryReducer::kLongDelayMs = 8000;
18 const int MemoryReducer::kShortDelayMs = 500;
19 const int MemoryReducer::kWatchdogDelayMs = 100000;
20 const int MemoryReducer::kMaxNumberOfGCs = 3;
21 const double MemoryReducer::kCommittedMemoryFactor = 1.1;
22 const size_t MemoryReducer::kCommittedMemoryDelta = 10 * MB;
24 MemoryReducer::MemoryReducer(Heap* heap)
25  : heap_(heap),
26  taskrunner_(V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->GetForegroundTaskRunner(
27  reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(heap->isolate()))),
28  state_(kDone, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0),
29  js_calls_counter_(0),
30  js_calls_sample_time_ms_(0.0) {}
32 MemoryReducer::TimerTask::TimerTask(MemoryReducer* memory_reducer)
33  : CancelableTask(memory_reducer->heap()->isolate()),
34  memory_reducer_(memory_reducer) {}
37 void MemoryReducer::TimerTask::RunInternal() {
38  Heap* heap = memory_reducer_->heap();
39  Event event;
40  double time_ms = heap->MonotonicallyIncreasingTimeInMs();
41  heap->tracer()->SampleAllocation(time_ms, heap->NewSpaceAllocationCounter(),
42  heap->OldGenerationAllocationCounter());
43  bool low_allocation_rate = heap->HasLowAllocationRate();
44  bool optimize_for_memory = heap->ShouldOptimizeForMemoryUsage();
45  if (FLAG_trace_gc_verbose) {
46  heap->isolate()->PrintWithTimestamp(
47  "Memory reducer: %s, %s\n",
48  low_allocation_rate ? "low alloc" : "high alloc",
49  optimize_for_memory ? "background" : "foreground");
50  }
51  event.type = kTimer;
52  event.time_ms = time_ms;
53  // The memory reducer will start incremental markig if
54  // 1) mutator is likely idle: js call rate is low and allocation rate is low.
55  // 2) mutator is in background: optimize for memory flag is set.
56  event.should_start_incremental_gc =
57  low_allocation_rate || optimize_for_memory;
58  event.can_start_incremental_gc =
59  heap->incremental_marking()->IsStopped() &&
60  (heap->incremental_marking()->CanBeActivated() || optimize_for_memory);
61  event.committed_memory = heap->CommittedOldGenerationMemory();
62  memory_reducer_->NotifyTimer(event);
63 }
66 void MemoryReducer::NotifyTimer(const Event& event) {
67  DCHECK_EQ(kTimer, event.type);
68  DCHECK_EQ(kWait, state_.action);
69  state_ = Step(state_, event);
70  if (state_.action == kRun) {
71  DCHECK(heap()->incremental_marking()->IsStopped());
72  DCHECK(FLAG_incremental_marking);
73  if (FLAG_trace_gc_verbose) {
74  heap()->isolate()->PrintWithTimestamp("Memory reducer: started GC #%d\n",
75  state_.started_gcs);
76  }
77  heap()->StartIdleIncrementalMarking(
78  GarbageCollectionReason::kMemoryReducer,
79  kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllExternalMemory);
80  } else if (state_.action == kWait) {
81  if (!heap()->incremental_marking()->IsStopped() &&
82  heap()->ShouldOptimizeForMemoryUsage()) {
83  // Make progress with pending incremental marking if memory usage has
84  // higher priority than latency. This is important for background tabs
85  // that do not send idle notifications.
86  const int kIncrementalMarkingDelayMs = 500;
87  double deadline = heap()->MonotonicallyIncreasingTimeInMs() +
88  kIncrementalMarkingDelayMs;
89  heap()->incremental_marking()->AdvanceIncrementalMarking(
90  deadline, IncrementalMarking::NO_GC_VIA_STACK_GUARD,
91  StepOrigin::kTask);
92  heap()->FinalizeIncrementalMarkingIfComplete(
93  GarbageCollectionReason::kFinalizeMarkingViaTask);
94  }
95  // Re-schedule the timer.
96  ScheduleTimer(state_.next_gc_start_ms - event.time_ms);
97  if (FLAG_trace_gc_verbose) {
98  heap()->isolate()->PrintWithTimestamp(
99  "Memory reducer: waiting for %.f ms\n",
100  state_.next_gc_start_ms - event.time_ms);
101  }
102  }
103 }
106 void MemoryReducer::NotifyMarkCompact(const Event& event) {
107  DCHECK_EQ(kMarkCompact, event.type);
108  Action old_action = state_.action;
109  state_ = Step(state_, event);
110  if (old_action != kWait && state_.action == kWait) {
111  // If we are transitioning to the WAIT state, start the timer.
112  ScheduleTimer(state_.next_gc_start_ms - event.time_ms);
113  }
114  if (old_action == kRun) {
115  if (FLAG_trace_gc_verbose) {
116  heap()->isolate()->PrintWithTimestamp(
117  "Memory reducer: finished GC #%d (%s)\n", state_.started_gcs,
118  state_.action == kWait ? "will do more" : "done");
119  }
120  }
121 }
123 void MemoryReducer::NotifyPossibleGarbage(const Event& event) {
124  DCHECK_EQ(kPossibleGarbage, event.type);
125  Action old_action = state_.action;
126  state_ = Step(state_, event);
127  if (old_action != kWait && state_.action == kWait) {
128  // If we are transitioning to the WAIT state, start the timer.
129  ScheduleTimer(state_.next_gc_start_ms - event.time_ms);
130  }
131 }
134 bool MemoryReducer::WatchdogGC(const State& state, const Event& event) {
135  return state.last_gc_time_ms != 0 &&
136  event.time_ms > state.last_gc_time_ms + kWatchdogDelayMs;
137 }
140 // For specification of this function see the comment for MemoryReducer class.
141 MemoryReducer::State MemoryReducer::Step(const State& state,
142  const Event& event) {
143  if (!FLAG_incremental_marking || !FLAG_memory_reducer) {
144  return State(kDone, 0, 0, state.last_gc_time_ms, 0);
145  }
146  switch (state.action) {
147  case kDone:
148  if (event.type == kTimer) {
149  return state;
150  } else if (event.type == kMarkCompact) {
151  if (event.committed_memory <
152  Max(static_cast<size_t>(state.committed_memory_at_last_run *
153  kCommittedMemoryFactor),
154  state.committed_memory_at_last_run + kCommittedMemoryDelta)) {
155  return state;
156  } else {
157  return State(kWait, 0, event.time_ms + kLongDelayMs,
158  event.type == kMarkCompact ? event.time_ms
159  : state.last_gc_time_ms,
160  0);
161  }
162  } else {
163  DCHECK_EQ(kPossibleGarbage, event.type);
164  return State(
165  kWait, 0, event.time_ms + kLongDelayMs,
166  event.type == kMarkCompact ? event.time_ms : state.last_gc_time_ms,
167  0);
168  }
169  case kWait:
170  switch (event.type) {
171  case kPossibleGarbage:
172  return state;
173  case kTimer:
174  if (state.started_gcs >= kMaxNumberOfGCs) {
175  return State(kDone, kMaxNumberOfGCs, 0.0, state.last_gc_time_ms,
176  event.committed_memory);
177  } else if (event.can_start_incremental_gc &&
178  (event.should_start_incremental_gc ||
179  WatchdogGC(state, event))) {
180  if (state.next_gc_start_ms <= event.time_ms) {
181  return State(kRun, state.started_gcs + 1, 0.0,
182  state.last_gc_time_ms, 0);
183  } else {
184  return state;
185  }
186  } else {
187  return State(kWait, state.started_gcs, event.time_ms + kLongDelayMs,
188  state.last_gc_time_ms, 0);
189  }
190  case kMarkCompact:
191  return State(kWait, state.started_gcs, event.time_ms + kLongDelayMs,
192  event.time_ms, 0);
193  }
194  case kRun:
195  if (event.type != kMarkCompact) {
196  return state;
197  } else {
198  if (state.started_gcs < kMaxNumberOfGCs &&
199  (event.next_gc_likely_to_collect_more || state.started_gcs == 1)) {
200  return State(kWait, state.started_gcs, event.time_ms + kShortDelayMs,
201  event.time_ms, 0);
202  } else {
203  return State(kDone, kMaxNumberOfGCs, 0.0, event.time_ms,
204  event.committed_memory);
205  }
206  }
207  }
209 }
211 void MemoryReducer::ScheduleTimer(double delay_ms) {
212  DCHECK_LT(0, delay_ms);
213  if (heap()->IsTearingDown()) return;
214  // Leave some room for precision error in task scheduler.
215  const double kSlackMs = 100;
216  taskrunner_->PostDelayedTask(
217  base::make_unique<MemoryReducer::TimerTask>(this),
218  (delay_ms + kSlackMs) / 1000.0);
219 }
221 void MemoryReducer::TearDown() { state_ = State(kDone, 0, 0, 0.0, 0); }
223 } // namespace internal
224 } // namespace v8
Definition: libplatform.h:13