V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
1 // Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "src/compiler/loop-variable-optimizer.h"
7 #include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
8 #include "src/compiler/graph.h"
9 #include "src/compiler/node-marker.h"
10 #include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
11 #include "src/compiler/node.h"
12 #include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
13 #include "src/zone/zone.h"
15 namespace v8 {
16 namespace internal {
17 namespace compiler {
19 // Macro for outputting trace information from representation inference.
20 #define TRACE(...) \
21  do { \
22  if (FLAG_trace_turbo_loop) PrintF(__VA_ARGS__); \
23  } while (false)
25 LoopVariableOptimizer::LoopVariableOptimizer(Graph* graph,
26  CommonOperatorBuilder* common,
27  Zone* zone)
28  : graph_(graph),
29  common_(common),
30  zone_(zone),
31  limits_(graph->NodeCount(), zone),
32  reduced_(graph->NodeCount(), zone),
33  induction_vars_(zone) {}
35 void LoopVariableOptimizer::Run() {
36  ZoneQueue<Node*> queue(zone());
37  queue.push(graph()->start());
38  NodeMarker<bool> queued(graph(), 2);
39  while (!queue.empty()) {
40  Node* node = queue.front();
41  queue.pop();
42  queued.Set(node, false);
44  DCHECK(!reduced_.Get(node));
45  bool all_inputs_visited = true;
46  int inputs_end = (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop)
47  ? kFirstBackedge
48  : node->op()->ControlInputCount();
49  for (int i = 0; i < inputs_end; i++) {
50  if (!reduced_.Get(NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node, i))) {
51  all_inputs_visited = false;
52  break;
53  }
54  }
55  if (!all_inputs_visited) continue;
57  VisitNode(node);
58  reduced_.Set(node, true);
60  // Queue control outputs.
61  for (Edge edge : node->use_edges()) {
62  if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(edge) &&
63  edge.from()->op()->ControlOutputCount() > 0) {
64  Node* use = edge.from();
65  if (use->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop &&
66  edge.index() != kAssumedLoopEntryIndex) {
67  VisitBackedge(node, use);
68  } else if (!queued.Get(use)) {
69  queue.push(use);
70  queued.Set(use, true);
71  }
72  }
73  }
74  }
75 }
77 void InductionVariable::AddUpperBound(Node* bound,
78  InductionVariable::ConstraintKind kind) {
79  if (FLAG_trace_turbo_loop) {
80  StdoutStream{} << "New upper bound for " << phi()->id() << " (loop "
81  << NodeProperties::GetControlInput(phi())->id()
82  << "): " << *bound << std::endl;
83  }
84  upper_bounds_.push_back(Bound(bound, kind));
85 }
87 void InductionVariable::AddLowerBound(Node* bound,
88  InductionVariable::ConstraintKind kind) {
89  if (FLAG_trace_turbo_loop) {
90  StdoutStream{} << "New lower bound for " << phi()->id() << " (loop "
91  << NodeProperties::GetControlInput(phi())->id()
92  << "): " << *bound;
93  }
94  lower_bounds_.push_back(Bound(bound, kind));
95 }
97 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitBackedge(Node* from, Node* loop) {
98  if (loop->op()->ControlInputCount() != 2) return;
100  // Go through the constraints, and update the induction variables in
101  // this loop if they are involved in the constraint.
102  for (Constraint constraint : limits_.Get(from)) {
103  if (constraint.left->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi &&
104  NodeProperties::GetControlInput(constraint.left) == loop) {
105  auto var = induction_vars_.find(constraint.left->id());
106  if (var != induction_vars_.end()) {
107  var->second->AddUpperBound(constraint.right, constraint.kind);
108  }
109  }
110  if (constraint.right->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi &&
111  NodeProperties::GetControlInput(constraint.right) == loop) {
112  auto var = induction_vars_.find(constraint.right->id());
113  if (var != induction_vars_.end()) {
114  var->second->AddLowerBound(constraint.left, constraint.kind);
115  }
116  }
117  }
118 }
120 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitNode(Node* node) {
121  switch (node->opcode()) {
122  case IrOpcode::kMerge:
123  return VisitMerge(node);
124  case IrOpcode::kLoop:
125  return VisitLoop(node);
126  case IrOpcode::kIfFalse:
127  return VisitIf(node, false);
128  case IrOpcode::kIfTrue:
129  return VisitIf(node, true);
130  case IrOpcode::kStart:
131  return VisitStart(node);
132  case IrOpcode::kLoopExit:
133  return VisitLoopExit(node);
134  default:
135  return VisitOtherControl(node);
136  }
137 }
139 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitMerge(Node* node) {
140  // Merge the limits of all incoming edges.
141  VariableLimits merged = limits_.Get(node->InputAt(0));
142  for (int i = 1; i < node->InputCount(); i++) {
143  merged.ResetToCommonAncestor(limits_.Get(node->InputAt(i)));
144  }
145  limits_.Set(node, merged);
146 }
148 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitLoop(Node* node) {
149  DetectInductionVariables(node);
150  // Conservatively take the limits from the loop entry here.
151  return TakeConditionsFromFirstControl(node);
152 }
154 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitIf(Node* node, bool polarity) {
155  Node* branch = node->InputAt(0);
156  Node* cond = branch->InputAt(0);
157  VariableLimits limits = limits_.Get(branch);
158  // Normalize to less than comparison.
159  switch (cond->opcode()) {
160  case IrOpcode::kJSLessThan:
161  case IrOpcode::kNumberLessThan:
162  case IrOpcode::kSpeculativeNumberLessThan:
163  AddCmpToLimits(&limits, cond, InductionVariable::kStrict, polarity);
164  break;
165  case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThan:
166  AddCmpToLimits(&limits, cond, InductionVariable::kNonStrict, !polarity);
167  break;
168  case IrOpcode::kJSLessThanOrEqual:
169  case IrOpcode::kNumberLessThanOrEqual:
170  case IrOpcode::kSpeculativeNumberLessThanOrEqual:
171  AddCmpToLimits(&limits, cond, InductionVariable::kNonStrict, polarity);
172  break;
173  case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThanOrEqual:
174  AddCmpToLimits(&limits, cond, InductionVariable::kStrict, !polarity);
175  break;
176  default:
177  break;
178  }
179  limits_.Set(node, limits);
180 }
182 void LoopVariableOptimizer::AddCmpToLimits(
183  VariableLimits* limits, Node* node, InductionVariable::ConstraintKind kind,
184  bool polarity) {
185  Node* left = node->InputAt(0);
186  Node* right = node->InputAt(1);
187  if (FindInductionVariable(left) || FindInductionVariable(right)) {
188  if (polarity) {
189  limits->PushFront(Constraint{left, kind, right}, zone());
190  } else {
191  kind = (kind == InductionVariable::kStrict)
192  ? InductionVariable::kNonStrict
193  : InductionVariable::kStrict;
194  limits->PushFront(Constraint{right, kind, left}, zone());
195  }
196  }
197 }
199 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitStart(Node* node) { limits_.Set(node, {}); }
201 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitLoopExit(Node* node) {
202  return TakeConditionsFromFirstControl(node);
203 }
205 void LoopVariableOptimizer::VisitOtherControl(Node* node) {
206  DCHECK_EQ(1, node->op()->ControlInputCount());
207  return TakeConditionsFromFirstControl(node);
208 }
210 void LoopVariableOptimizer::TakeConditionsFromFirstControl(Node* node) {
211  limits_.Set(node, limits_.Get(NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node, 0)));
212 }
214 const InductionVariable* LoopVariableOptimizer::FindInductionVariable(
215  Node* node) {
216  auto var = induction_vars_.find(node->id());
217  if (var != induction_vars_.end()) {
218  return var->second;
219  }
220  return nullptr;
221 }
223 InductionVariable* LoopVariableOptimizer::TryGetInductionVariable(Node* phi) {
224  DCHECK_EQ(2, phi->op()->ValueInputCount());
225  Node* loop = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(phi);
226  DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoop, loop->opcode());
227  Node* initial = phi->InputAt(0);
228  Node* arith = phi->InputAt(1);
229  InductionVariable::ArithmeticType arithmeticType;
230  if (arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSAdd ||
231  arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kNumberAdd ||
232  arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeNumberAdd ||
233  arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeSafeIntegerAdd) {
234  arithmeticType = InductionVariable::ArithmeticType::kAddition;
235  } else if (arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSSubtract ||
236  arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kNumberSubtract ||
237  arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeNumberSubtract ||
238  arith->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeSafeIntegerSubtract) {
239  arithmeticType = InductionVariable::ArithmeticType::kSubtraction;
240  } else {
241  return nullptr;
242  }
244  // TODO(jarin) Support both sides.
245  Node* input = arith->InputAt(0);
246  if (input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSpeculativeToNumber ||
247  input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSToNumber ||
248  input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSToNumberConvertBigInt) {
249  input = input->InputAt(0);
250  }
251  if (input != phi) return nullptr;
253  Node* effect_phi = nullptr;
254  for (Node* use : loop->uses()) {
255  if (use->opcode() == IrOpcode::kEffectPhi) {
256  DCHECK_NULL(effect_phi);
257  effect_phi = use;
258  }
259  }
260  if (!effect_phi) return nullptr;
262  Node* incr = arith->InputAt(1);
263  return new (zone()) InductionVariable(phi, effect_phi, arith, incr, initial,
264  zone(), arithmeticType);
265 }
267 void LoopVariableOptimizer::DetectInductionVariables(Node* loop) {
268  if (loop->op()->ControlInputCount() != 2) return;
269  TRACE("Loop variables for loop %i:", loop->id());
270  for (Edge edge : loop->use_edges()) {
271  if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(edge) &&
272  edge.from()->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi) {
273  Node* phi = edge.from();
274  InductionVariable* induction_var = TryGetInductionVariable(phi);
275  if (induction_var) {
276  induction_vars_[phi->id()] = induction_var;
277  TRACE(" %i", induction_var->phi()->id());
278  }
279  }
280  }
281  TRACE("\n");
282 }
284 void LoopVariableOptimizer::ChangeToInductionVariablePhis() {
285  for (auto entry : induction_vars_) {
286  // It only make sense to analyze the induction variables if
287  // there is a bound.
288  InductionVariable* induction_var = entry.second;
289  DCHECK_EQ(MachineRepresentation::kTagged,
290  PhiRepresentationOf(induction_var->phi()->op()));
291  if (induction_var->upper_bounds().size() == 0 &&
292  induction_var->lower_bounds().size() == 0) {
293  continue;
294  }
295  // Insert the increment value to the value inputs.
296  induction_var->phi()->InsertInput(graph()->zone(),
297  induction_var->phi()->InputCount() - 1,
298  induction_var->increment());
299  // Insert the bound inputs to the value inputs.
300  for (auto bound : induction_var->lower_bounds()) {
301  induction_var->phi()->InsertInput(
302  graph()->zone(), induction_var->phi()->InputCount() - 1, bound.bound);
303  }
304  for (auto bound : induction_var->upper_bounds()) {
305  induction_var->phi()->InsertInput(
306  graph()->zone(), induction_var->phi()->InputCount() - 1, bound.bound);
307  }
308  NodeProperties::ChangeOp(
309  induction_var->phi(),
310  common()->InductionVariablePhi(induction_var->phi()->InputCount() - 1));
311  }
312 }
314 void LoopVariableOptimizer::ChangeToPhisAndInsertGuards() {
315  for (auto entry : induction_vars_) {
316  InductionVariable* induction_var = entry.second;
317  if (induction_var->phi()->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInductionVariablePhi) {
318  // Turn the induction variable phi back to normal phi.
319  int value_count = 2;
320  Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(induction_var->phi());
321  DCHECK_EQ(value_count, control->op()->ControlInputCount());
322  induction_var->phi()->TrimInputCount(value_count + 1);
323  induction_var->phi()->ReplaceInput(value_count, control);
324  NodeProperties::ChangeOp(
325  induction_var->phi(),
326  common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, value_count));
328  // If the backedge is not a subtype of the phi's type, we insert a sigma
329  // to get the typing right.
330  Node* backedge_value = induction_var->phi()->InputAt(1);
331  Type backedge_type = NodeProperties::GetType(backedge_value);
332  Type phi_type = NodeProperties::GetType(induction_var->phi());
333  if (!backedge_type.Is(phi_type)) {
334  Node* loop = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(induction_var->phi());
335  Node* backedge_control = loop->InputAt(1);
336  Node* backedge_effect =
337  NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(induction_var->effect_phi(), 1);
338  Node* rename =
339  graph()->NewNode(common()->TypeGuard(phi_type), backedge_value,
340  backedge_effect, backedge_control);
341  induction_var->effect_phi()->ReplaceInput(1, rename);
342  induction_var->phi()->ReplaceInput(1, rename);
343  }
344  }
345  }
346 }
348 #undef TRACE
350 } // namespace compiler
351 } // namespace internal
352 } // namespace v8
Definition: libplatform.h:13