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V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
This is the complete list of members for v8::internal::Compiler, including all inherited members.
Analyze(ParseInfo *parse_info) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
CLEAR_EXCEPTION enum value (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | |
ClearExceptionFlag enum name (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | |
CodeGenerationFromStringsAllowed(Isolate *isolate, Handle< Context > context, Handle< String > source) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
Compile(Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared, ClearExceptionFlag flag) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
Compile(Handle< JSFunction > function, ClearExceptionFlag flag) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
CompileForLiveEdit(ParseInfo *parse_info, Isolate *isolate) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
CompileOptimized(Handle< JSFunction > function, ConcurrencyMode) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
FinalizeBackgroundCompileTask(BackgroundCompileTask *task, Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared_info, Isolate *isolate, ClearExceptionFlag flag) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
FinalizeOptimizedCompilationJob(OptimizedCompilationJob *job, Isolate *isolate) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetFunctionFromEval(Handle< String > source, Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > outer_info, Handle< Context > context, LanguageMode language_mode, ParseRestriction restriction, int parameters_end_pos, int eval_scope_position, int eval_position) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetFunctionFromString(Handle< Context > context, Handle< String > source, ParseRestriction restriction, int parameters_end_pos) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetOptimizedCodeForOSR(Handle< JSFunction > function, BailoutId osr_offset, JavaScriptFrame *osr_frame) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetSharedFunctionInfo(FunctionLiteral *node, Handle< Script > script, Isolate *isolate) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > source, const ScriptDetails &script_details, ScriptOriginOptions origin_options, v8::Extension *extension, ScriptData *cached_data, ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options, ScriptCompiler::NoCacheReason no_cache_reason, NativesFlag is_natives_code) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetSharedFunctionInfoForStreamedScript(Isolate *isolate, Handle< String > source, const ScriptDetails &script_details, ScriptOriginOptions origin_options, ScriptStreamingData *streaming_data) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
GetWrappedFunction(Handle< String > source, Handle< FixedArray > arguments, Handle< Context > context, const ScriptDetails &script_details, ScriptOriginOptions origin_options, ScriptData *cached_data, v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options, v8::ScriptCompiler::NoCacheReason no_cache_reason) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
KEEP_EXCEPTION enum value (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | |
ParseAndAnalyze(ParseInfo *parse_info, Handle< SharedFunctionInfo > shared_info, Isolate *isolate) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |
PostInstantiation(Handle< JSFunction > function, PretenureFlag) (defined in v8::internal::Compiler) | v8::internal::Compiler | static |