![]() |
V8 API Reference, 7.2.502.16 (for Deno 0.2.4)
This is the complete list of members for v8::Object, including all inherited members.
BooleanValue(Isolate *isolate) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
CallAsConstructor(Local< Context > context, int argc, Local< Value > argv[]) | v8::Object | |
CallAsFunction(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > recv, int argc, Local< Value > argv[]) | v8::Object | |
Cast(Value *obj) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | static |
Cast(T *value) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | static |
Clone() | v8::Object | |
CreateDataProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
CreateDataProperty(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
CreationContext() | v8::Object | |
CreationContext(const PersistentBase< Object > &object) | v8::Object | inlinestatic |
DefineOwnProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value, PropertyAttribute attributes=None) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
DefineProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, PropertyDescriptor &descriptor) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
Delete(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
Delete(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
DeletePrivate(Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
Equals(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > that) const | v8::Value | |
FindInstanceInPrototypeChain(Local< FunctionTemplate > tmpl) | v8::Object | |
Get(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
Get(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(int index) | v8::Object | |
GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(const PersistentBase< Object > &object, int index) | v8::Object | inlinestatic |
GetConstructorName() | v8::Object | |
GetIdentityHash() | v8::Object | |
GetInternalField(int index) | v8::Object | |
GetIsolate() | v8::Object | |
GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
GetOwnPropertyNames(Local< Context > context) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
GetOwnPropertyNames(Local< Context > context, PropertyFilter filter, KeyConversionMode key_conversion=KeyConversionMode::kKeepNumbers) | v8::Object | |
GetPrivate(Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
GetPropertyAttributes(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) | v8::Object | |
GetPropertyNames(Local< Context > context) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
GetPropertyNames(Local< Context > context, KeyCollectionMode mode, PropertyFilter property_filter, IndexFilter index_filter, KeyConversionMode key_conversion=KeyConversionMode::kKeepNumbers) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
GetPrototype() | v8::Object | |
GetRealNamedProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
GetRealNamedPropertyAttributes(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
Has(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) | v8::Object | |
Has(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
HasIndexedLookupInterceptor() | v8::Object | |
HasNamedLookupInterceptor() | v8::Object | |
HasOwnProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
HasOwnProperty(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
HasPrivate(Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key) | v8::Object | |
HasRealIndexedProperty(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
HasRealNamedProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) | v8::Object | |
InstanceOf(Local< Context > context, Local< Object > object) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
Int32Value(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
IntegerValue(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
InternalFieldCount() | v8::Object | |
InternalFieldCount(const PersistentBase< Object > &object) | v8::Object | inlinestatic |
IsArgumentsObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsArray() const | v8::Value | |
IsArrayBuffer() const | v8::Value | |
IsArrayBufferView() const | v8::Value | |
IsAsyncFunction() const | v8::Value | |
IsBigInt() const | v8::Value | |
IsBigInt64Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsBigIntObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsBigUint64Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsBoolean() const | v8::Value | |
IsBooleanObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsCallable() | v8::Object | |
IsConstructor() | v8::Object | |
IsDataView() const | v8::Value | |
IsDate() const | v8::Value | |
IsExternal() const | v8::Value | |
IsFalse() const | v8::Value | |
IsFloat32Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsFloat64Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsFunction() const | v8::Value | |
IsGeneratorFunction() const | v8::Value | |
IsGeneratorObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsInt16Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsInt32() const | v8::Value | |
IsInt32Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsInt8Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsMap() const | v8::Value | |
IsMapIterator() const | v8::Value | |
IsModuleNamespaceObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsName() const | v8::Value | |
IsNativeError() const | v8::Value | |
IsNull() const | v8::Value | |
IsNullOrUndefined() const | v8::Value | |
IsNumber() const | v8::Value | |
IsNumberObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsPromise() const | v8::Value | |
IsProxy() const | v8::Value | |
IsRegExp() const | v8::Value | |
IsSet() const | v8::Value | |
IsSetIterator() const | v8::Value | |
IsSharedArrayBuffer() const | v8::Value | |
IsString() const | v8::Value | |
IsStringObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsSymbol() const | v8::Value | |
IsSymbolObject() const | v8::Value | |
IsTrue() const | v8::Value | |
IsTypedArray() const | v8::Value | |
IsUint16Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsUint32() const | v8::Value | |
IsUint32Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsUint8Array() const | v8::Value | |
IsUint8ClampedArray() const | v8::Value | |
IsUndefined() const | v8::Value | |
IsWeakMap() const | v8::Value | |
IsWeakSet() const | v8::Value | |
IsWebAssemblyCompiledModule() const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
New(Isolate *isolate) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | static |
New(Isolate *isolate, Local< Value > prototype_or_null, Local< Name > *names, Local< Value > *values, size_t length) | v8::Object | static |
NumberValue(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ObjectProtoToString(Local< Context > context) | v8::Object | |
PreviewEntries(bool *is_key_value) | v8::Object | |
SameValue(Local< Value > that) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
Set(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
Set(Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
SetAccessor(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=nullptr, MaybeLocal< Value > data=MaybeLocal< Value >(), AccessControl settings=DEFAULT, PropertyAttribute attribute=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect) | v8::Object | |
SetAccessorProperty(Local< Name > name, Local< Function > getter, Local< Function > setter=Local< Function >(), PropertyAttribute attribute=None, AccessControl settings=DEFAULT) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
SetAlignedPointerInInternalField(int index, void *value) | v8::Object | |
SetAlignedPointerInInternalFields(int argc, int indices[], void *values[]) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
SetIntegrityLevel(Local< Context > context, IntegrityLevel level) | v8::Object | |
SetInternalField(int index, Local< Value > value) | v8::Object | |
SetLazyDataProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect) | v8::Object | |
SetNativeDataProperty(Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=nullptr, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect) | v8::Object | |
SetPrivate(Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key, Local< Value > value) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
SetPrototype(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > prototype) | v8::Object | |
StrictEquals(Local< Value > that) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToArrayIndex(Local< Context > context) const | v8::Value | |
ToBigInt(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToBoolean(Isolate *isolate) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToDetailString(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToInt32(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToInteger(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToNumber(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToObject(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToString(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
ToUint32(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
TypeOf(Isolate *) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
Uint32Value(Local< Context > context) const (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", bool Set(Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", bool Set(uint32_t index, Local< Value > value)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Value > Get(Local< Value > key)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Value > Get(uint32_t index)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Array > GetPropertyNames()) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Array > GetOwnPropertyNames()) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", bool HasRealNamedProperty(Local< String > key)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", bool HasRealIndexedProperty(uint32_t index)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", bool HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(Local< String > key)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("ToBoolean can never throw. Use Local version.", V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Boolean > ToBoolean(Local< Context > context) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Number > ToNumber(Isolate *isolate) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< String > ToString(Isolate *isolate) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Object > ToObject(Isolate *isolate) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Integer > ToInteger(Isolate *isolate) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use maybe version", Local< Int32 > ToInt32(Isolate *isolate) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("BooleanValue can never throw. Use Isolate version.", V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > BooleanValue(Local< Context > context) const) (defined in v8::Value) | v8::Value | |
V8_DEPRECATED("Use maybe version", bool Has(Local< Value > key)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object | |
V8_DEPRECATED("Use maybe version", bool Delete(Local< Value > key)) (defined in v8::Object) | v8::Object |